Tag Archives: fear

Proverbs Reading – Chapter 9

The Purpose of Proverbs is to impart wisdom for godly living.

Solomon’s fathering advice to young people and all who seek wisdom will greatly benefit from these wise words.   Discover the source of wisdom, the value of wisdom and the benefits of wisdom.   Proverbs gives practical suggestions for effective living.   They should call a person to action.  The verses tell how you can live in close relationship to Him and offers positive advice that helps you to make good and righteous decisions. –  notes of the Life Application Study Bible

PROVERBS 9  The title is The Way of Wisdom

The 1st verse says, Wisdom has built her house.  Then goes on to describe the different preparations of the house with food, drink, furnishings, etc.  Wisdom is responsible and takes care of those who are simple.

Wisdom and foolishness are compared in this chapter.  Wisdom appeals to the mind while foolishness appeals to the senses, but the pleasures of foolishness are temporary.  Wisdom brings a satisfaction that lasts forever.

Wisdom lacks nothing, is complete and perfect.

How you respond to criticism speaks volumes of who you are.  Learn from your critics

Wisdom begins with knowing God, having a relationship with Him.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

The opposite of wisdom is foolishness…folly.  She lures in the simple, those who lack understanding.  She tells them that stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.  Making all the wrong things sound like they are good.  She will tell you that your wrong is right and deceive you.   And you will follow her not knowing that she is leading you straight to destruction, to death, to hell.

But when you look for wisdom you then have the understanding and knowledge of where foolishness can lead you.  You would choose that path if you choose wisdom.

Why do you hate them?

I am doing prayer in the mornings with a group and this morning we were praying for families and single parents. We were also praying for UNITY in the families, re-aligning families back to the way God had ordained them to be. The devil knows that if he breaks up the family unit he can scatter everyone so that UNITY can’t happen.

During prayer this morning, God shared this with me so I wanted to add it to the blog to share with you today!

There are some families that the members don’t talk, there is hate, discord and fighting. This is NOT how God wants families to function. This is NOT what He ordained for families and I have to believe that He is not pleased when there is discord, fighting, arguing and negative talk about each other within the family.

It’s so important that we see the destruction this causes in the body of Christ. You may not think this isn’t a big deal, but it is. Especially now that I’m bringing it to your attention. Now that you know the truth and know that God is not pleased with it, you are accountable to it. Scripture says that if we won’t forgive our brothers then God won’t forgive us. This applies to your family members to, you know. If you can only speak ill will about your family members…you are wounded. There is a wound there that needs to be healed. Even your sarcastic comments count. Your not speaking life or love. Your wounded. When you are offended by them, you are wounded. When you think that its ALL them and you have no part in the discord…that shows no humility on your part. Sometimes you have to say sorry to a person or a situation even when you don’t feel you are wrong. Let God use you in that situation to bring peace

But over time…we have been wounded by each other and family members. Those wounds then caused hate, bitterness, rejection, fear, unforgiveness, offense, etc. Now these open wounds need to be healed so that YOU can heal. So that you can move forward and not pass it down to the next generation. Wounds can be healed, arguments can come to peace and you can live better together with family. Let me say that I know there are some situations where the other person is unwilling to forgive and reconcile, those situations you can’t change; but you do your part. Be forgiving, love and move on. That’s when you LET GO AND LET GOD. Give them to God, pray for them. But don’t pray out of your anger and frustration. Let God deal with your heart first, so you can pray out of a clean place and with pure motive. Declare today….I CHOOSE TO FORGIVE! Even if you feel you have forgiven and your good. Still declare it…there could be some hidden places that you can’t see or have forgotten about.

Lastly, know that some of your family situations will change but some of them may not. That is ok. You just make sure your in a right place with God. Receive the change that God is going to make in your family situations. Pray for your family today…matter of fact, set aside some time to pray for your family….and maybe invite members of your family to pray with you.